The Brydon & Ives Team specializes in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda residential real estate. They provide standout services to clients who seek to buy or sell. Combining a global perspective with unparalleled knowledge of the Lamorinda market, the team is exceptionally suited to guide clients through the world of residential real estate.
la · mōr · inda = Lafayette/Moraga/Orinda
aka: Lamorinda
Locals term referring to these cities that share many characteristics. Often thought of as one big town.
Lisa Brydon | CA DRE# 01408025
Kristi Ives | CA DRE# 01367466
Get a feel for our beautiful Lamorinda community by watching our lifestyle video, checking out our Larmorinda map and by browsing our city guides below.
of small teams in the country by WSJ Real Trends (4 years in a row)
Zillow Reviews
of business excellence with the Brydon & Ives Team partnership
Producing Realtors® in Lamorinda (Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda)*
Ranked top producing Realtors® in Lafayette*
Producing Realtors® in Contra Costa County*
First-class, hands-on transaction management
Highly skilled negotiators
Proud supporters of the Lamorinda Education Funds
This experienced team prides itself on their unparalleled levels of service combined with a unique and informed perspective of the market, specifically the East Bay cities: Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda.
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